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Episode 5's video is out now for backers!

IGG Backers! Check your e-mail! Episode 5 is now out early for our wonderful backers! 📬

If you wanna see it early too, pledge here! It's $15 to get access to this episode and all episodes into the future as we finish them. Think of it like a movie ticket that gets you into the theaters for future sequels too! Plus, it directly supports the crew of the show to keep making good stuff.

Thanks all and we'll see you again for the public release-- as well as the release of an upcoming Gummy x You audio! 💖


Jul 31, 2023

when will episode 5 get released on ph?

DCS Tuft
Aug 01, 2023
Replying to

Sometime early September. No exact day yet, sorry! Our backers always get episodes about a month early right now. ✌


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